A few updates for you

A few updates for you

What have I been hearing?
The election dominates conversations but with malaise. Whichever MP flavour you favour, no politician is going into the next term without being tarnished by the behaviour of the last bunch.

Trust is at an all-time low.

And when I say ‘bunch’, most of the Blue team seem to have already given up. It’s only Rishi who is still out there. Reds don’t need to say much to win and look like more of a team.

But how dull the whole experience has been. It’s been based on who can be the least worst.

From my conversations, while many people are looking to Labour for change, few are feeling things can only get better in the City. With more scars than Freddy Krueger on their balance sheets, businesses are looking for new ways to trade as workers look for more disposable income. Brexit has left a dark ark on the City that will take decades to fix.

Who knows how this next lot will perform? Let’s hope they can break the trend of being surprisingly worse than the last.